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In the first place in a sentence

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Sentence count:200+2Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: earlierin the beginningoriginallyprimarilyto begin withSimilar words: the first personfirst prizemarketplacefirstat firstfirst of allplaceat first sightMeaning: adv. 1. before now 2. of primary import. 
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91. The curious thing is why a university made Mr Jeffries head of an academic department in the first place.
92. It must also ask whether we should concentrate more on actually reducing our demand for energy in the first place.
93. But another kind of question is how the complicated thing came into existence in the first place.
94. Looking at her emaciated body, it was a miracle that she had given birth to him in the first place.
95. Keeping the consensus among nations is as important as creating it in the first place.
96. In the first place, the creation of a regular standing army marked a qualitative change in the authority of the monarchy.
97. It was one of the schools that had prompted the court case in the first place.
98. This contrasts with developmental dyslexia which is an impairment, possibly congenital, in learning to read in the first place.
99. In the first place, it's uncommon to discover such overwhelming scientific consensus on such a controversial set of issues.
100. In the first place, they have a more experienced team, so they're more likely to win.
101. But they adopted it in the first place because Labour's lurch to the left drove them away from their old allegiance.
102. In the first place, sleeping bags offer zero padding, which tends to cut down considerably on the comfort level.
103. They do not seek the experience of abortion, they would far rather not have become pregnant in the first place.
104. Communities which suffer most from crime are often the most disadvantaged in the first place.
105. There are a number of medications available to treat asthma attacks and to prevent attacks in the first place.
106. In the first place, coins can supply portraits of persons for whom we have no other likeness.
107. In the first place, the rule could apply only to a certain kind of poetry.
108. In the first place God made idiots. This was for practice. Then he made school boards. Mark Twain 
109. True happiness... arises, in the first place, from the enjoyment of one's self. Joseph Addison 
110. In the first place, v. 21b is a notorious crux of interpretation.
111. And there is the question of the relevance of the trading of information in the first place.
112. That was why he had contacted the company in the first place.
113. That's how the Richardson's got the Parrot in the first place.
114. The checking procedure is something that can be achieved much more rapidly than finding the Hamiltonian circuit in the first place.
115. Part of the justification for censorship in the first place stemmed from competing conceptions of the priesthood.
116. The other part is having coherent policies in the first place.
117. But he came in the first place,( the first place.html) to something he knew would be far beyond him.
118. In the first place he had been in to his office and delayed their departure until after lunch.
119. He couldn't, though, for exactly the same reasons that he had left her in the first place.
120. They promote health and help prevent illness in the first place.
More similar words: the first personfirst prizemarketplacefirstat firstfirst of allplaceat first sightin placereplacefirst and foremostworkplacetake placeout of placein place ofplacementreplacementin the futuretake the place ofpalaceburst intoin thatin the wayin the endin the aircomplaintin the darkin the pastin the way ofin the open
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